Specialty Graphics

T-shirts and Gifts for Educational Occupations

This page highlights some of the occupation themed t-shirts I have designed. Most of these designs can be found at Wage Slave Gifts. Additional designs are available at Work Work Work

Principal Gifts

These designs make great gifts for principals with a sense of humor!

Give the principal some room t-shirt

Principal - BACK OFF! Give me some room to work.

Are teachers, students, and administrators constantly interrupting your work with trivialities? Is your workday crowded with needless meetings and distractions?

This principal t-shirt design features the words "Principal" and "BACK OFF! Give me some room to work."

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A great gift idea for a serious principal who just wants to get the job done!
Principal t-shirt

Principal - Just calm down and tell me what the problem is!

This principal t-shirt design features the words "Principal" and "Just calm down and tell me what the problem is!"

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A great gift idea for a that principal who always has everything under control!
Funny principal t-shirt

Please, Do Not Feed The Principals!

Are you a principal who is sometimes hard to get along with?

Do you know someone who fits this description?

This humorous t-shirt design includes the words - NOTICE, For your own safety! - Please, Do Not Feed The Principals!

An overworked principal, in captivity, can be just as unpredictable and dangerous as a wild animal. Never try to give them food without first asking their keeper for permission.

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A great gift idea for any school principal!
Let there be principals t-shirt

Let there be Principals

When did the occupation of principal come into being? Is it possible the job has existed much longer then previously thought? Recently discovered ancient texts might provide new clues about the origin of school principals. This t-shirt design with the words - "Let there be principals, to rule over the grand places of learning. - Genesis 1:36"

Beware of the principal t-shirt

Beware of the Principal

Humorous design includes the words - "Beware of the Principal - Owner assumes no responsibility".

An overworked principal can be more dangerous than an angry dog! Protect yourself from expensive lawsuits by displaying this design. Remember, you can be held liable if your principal bites a student, teacher, or assistant!

Principals, in their natural habitat, can be dangerous and unpredictable. It's always a good idea to provide warning to others!


Librarian T-Shirts

Give the librarian some room t-shirt

Librarian - BACK OFF! Give me some room to work.

Are co-workers and library users constantly interrupting your work with trivialities? Is your workday crowded with needless meetings and distractions?

This librarian t-shirt design features the words "Librarian" and "BACK OFF! Give me some room to work."

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A great gift idea for a serious librarian who just wants to get the job done!
Rule over the Information t-shirt

Rule over the Information!

Librarian t-shirt featuring the words "Rule over the information!"

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A great gift idea for a no-nonsense Librarian with a sense of humor!
Queen of the librarians t-shirt

Queen of the Librarians

Librarian t-shirt design featuring the words "Queen of the Librarians"

Are your coworkers not demonstrating the proper reverence around the office? Are fellow employees not recognizing your elevated place in the hierarchy? Then this t-shirt is for you!

Someone has to be Queen of the Librarians. Why not you?

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A great gift idea for a no-nonsense Librarian with a sense of humor!
do not feed the librarian t-shirt

Please, Do Not Feed The Librarians!

Are you a librarian who is sometimes hard to get along with?

Do you know someone who fits this description?

This humorous t-shirt design includes the words - "NOTICE, For your own safety! - Please, Do Not Feed The Librarians!"

An overworked librarian, in captivity, can be just as unpredictable and dangerous as a wild animal. Never try to give them food without first asking their keeper for permission.

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Ornery librarian t-shirt

Ornery Librarian Zone

Ornery? Hard to get along with? Want to warn others about your attitude, or the attitude of a co-worker?

This librarian t-shirt design mimics a road construction warning sign and includes the following words - "Ornery Librarian Zone"

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A great gift idea for an ornery librarian!
Rule over the books t-shirt

Rule over the Books!

T-shirt with the words "Rule over the books!"

This is actually one of our bookkeeping designs, but will be equally enjoyed by librarians.

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